Book of Bonus:
How to create a lovemark brand with startup spirit and do it inside a big corporation – Story of Bonus Card
You are in for a pleasant surprise if you assume that reading about the world of credit cards, banks and corporations could be boring. In an ever more global world of business, banking and payments, many companies struggle with staying relevant. It seems a natural progression that most corporations eventually become boring places to work, leading to a brain drain of talent and the inevitable loss of innovation and lack of exciting products. Many top managers are keenly aware of this, yet they cannot seem to find a cure. Book of Bonus draws a go-to framework to combat these challenges, and in doing so, provides a real-life success story that touches every aspect of management. When Garanti Bank launched a chip card program called the Bonus Card back in 2000, nobody thought that it would change the way millions shop and do banking. Yet with its pioneering chip technology and revolutionary approach to customer loyalty, the Bonus program grew to 15 million cardholders, 11 issuing banks and one million merchant partners. In fact, when Bonus launched its digital wallet app, it overtook the mighty Facebook with more than a million downloads in its first two months on the market.Today, the Bonus program’s distinctive green logo, catchy jingles and emblematic big-haired wigs used in its ads have catapulted it to the top as one of the most well-known brands in Turkey. With a foreword written by Ajay Banga, President and CEO of Mastercard, Book of Bonus is not just a story about colors, brands, jingles, TV commercials and concerts, but about making sound decisions and executing them successfully. As a student of the art and science of management, Sezgin shares insights from this amazing journey in the hope that it may spark leadership ideas in other managers.